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Exploring a Woodland

  Sky was clear, finally, no cloud. It had been raining for four days, making it harder to be outdoor. That is very common in the rainy season actually. With sunny daylight, low humidity, and gentle wind, the weather was enjoyable. We, five friends, were walking through a concrete pathway heading towards a woodland. Traveling with friends is engaging. It helps to build a greater social connection. Companiying on various topics and sharing personal experiences are always interesting.   After a few steps from the main road, we reached the woodland. Wow! It was mesmeric. The woodland sits on the east & north bank of Sugsagor lake. And as it was afternoon, the sun was hitting from the west. so the leaves and grasses were highlighting themselves on the west and gradually decreasing to the east, creating a soft feather with awesome colors. Shadows of the trees were also creating beautiful textures on the ground. With gentle air and incredible scenes, it was spectacular...

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